
Solar is a complicated purchase.  There are a variety of technologies and configurations to consider.  Municipal and Utility codes/conditions must be satisfied.  Qualifying criteria and legislation often change.  Your building, ground, carport and electrical assets need to be assessed to determine if Photovoltaic (PV) Solar makes sense for your property.  Your utility rate plan and billing needs to be analyzed to determine your Variable Cost of Energy (VCoE), a key input to all financial calculations. Let EMA be your consulting engineer and perform a feasibility study to begin your solar project.  We can also review your existing plans and contractor proposals.  We can then specify what’s really needed, develop and bid a Reference Design & common Scope of Work, draft and negotiate your contracts and utility applications.   

It’s a myth that you can fill your roof with solar panels and sell the electricity back to your utility.  In the U.S., many utilities purchase your Renewable Energy Certificates (REC’s) for a minimum of ten years in exchange for either a onetime upfront payment or a multi-year revenue stream paid out as income or as a credit to your next month’s utility bill.  These payments (and your utility offset savings) are based on the kilowatt (kW) capacity installed or each kilowatt-hour (kWh) produced by your installation.  Utilities also have strict regulations regarding sizing of installations in order to qualify for their more valuable net-metering rate plans.  EMA takes great care in right-sizing the solar installation to maximize your Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) while conforming to all external requirements.

Installing Solar is a complicated project to manage.  It is no less than a construction project with permits, schedules, milestone payments, paperwork, task management and quality/safety issues to keep track of.  A Plan of Work is drafted and agreed to by all stakeholders.  A 90% production guarantee is negotiated for each project.  Let EMA be your project manager, orchestrating all facets of the installation from initial application to final commissioning.  After commissioning, EMA monitors the operation of the solar facility for three months to make sure it is performing “as built” and “as sold”.

The Promise of Solar can be realized.  Be it strictly for financial reasons, sustainability reasons, as a shaded parking amenity or as a hedge against future utility rate increases, both For-Profit and Non-Profit entities can benefit from Solar.  After validation using an independent 20 Yr Total Cost and Cash Flow Model, EMA pursues all available federal, state and local incentives in order to provide the project with financial assistance and an accelerated ROI.  Various methods for financing the installation are explored until an optimized approach is determined.  A competitive RFP and accountable contracting methodology is used.  Either as a great complement to energy efficiency measures or a stand-alone initiative, Solar can help advance your company’s or organization’s objectives.