Aged and inefficient Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems can be costing your facility dearly.  Seasonal conditions can be particularly harsh on this building subsystem.  After several years of service, your utility, maintenance and repair (UMR) costs begin climbing.  Better solutions exist today that are much less costly to operate, easier to control and use an ozone-friendly Freon.
We can assess your packaged units, split systems and heatpumps for efficient operation.  And after reviewing your repair history, together we can determine if replacement makes sense or just a tune-up is required.  Utilities will help subsidize either approach as part of their energy efficiency rebate program.  Advanced assessments of your chilled water plant and equipment are also available. 
A revamp of your HVAC can include programmable thermostats for regulated control and an equipment configuration optimized for your climate.  If you already have an EMS system, all work can be integrated with its existing infrastructure.  Financing is often available as are extended warranties for worry-free operation.
Let EMA help you create a phased capital investment plan and quarterback your HVAC update.  Annual UMR savings are typically >40% on older units with utilities paying a portion of the upfront cost.

HVAC roof